Saturday, October 17, 2020

Voting Values in 2020

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." Proverbs 29:2

We are just a few weeks from the 2020 Presidential Election and as with every trip to the polls, there is a lot at stake.  I believe that voting is an important privilege that we should all exercise.  With that in mind, I would like to share some important thoughts about being a Christian Conservative voter in 2020.  I’d like to clear up some common misconceptions that some may have about me as well.

·         In 2016 I strongly considered voting 3rd party.  I followed the libertarian party race closely.  When they nominated Pro-Choice former Republican Gary Johnson, I was out.  I simply could not cast my vote for someone who thought that the murder of unborn children was a constitutional right.  I still can’t.

     It is important to note here that technology will no longer allow us to deny that abortion is murder. All you have to do is look at an ultrasound.  You can justify your right to abortion, but you can no longer say it is not murder.  Add to that the fact that many liberals have stood against legislative efforts to protect babies who survive abortions, and hopefully, you can see the importance of this issue.      

·          In 2016, 16 people vied for the Republican Nomination.  Donald Trump was my 14th choice.

·         When Donald Trump was nominated, I was worried that he was a RINO.  I knew that if he chose a liberal running mate, I wouldn’t vote for him.  He chose a strong man of God in Mike Pence.

·         He committed to conservative values and he has followed through.  Among other things, in addition to being Pro-life, he has stood for religious liberty and is Pro-Israel

·         His policies show him to be one of the most Pro-Life presidents ever.  People say he is pandering on this issue and others.  I submit that 3 months is pandering—3 and ½+ years is policy.

·         I would have voted for Michele Bachmann in 2012 or Carley Fiorina in 2016 had they been nominated.  I vote on issues, not gender.

·         The first vote I cast for President was for Alan Keyes in the 2000 primary. I supported him in 1996 as well, though I was only 17 so I could not yet vote.  I didn’t hesitate to vote for him because he was black.  I also didn’t think I was making a STATEMENT by voting for a black man.  Instead, I was making a STATEMENT about the need for biblical leadership in the White House.

I have a liberal friend on Facebook who thinks conservatives would “Freak out” if a “woman of color” became president. The interesting thing is that in popular culture if you don’t hold up the liberal narrative, you are either “not really black” or “not woman enough” The truth is I don’t care about gender or race when I enter the voting booth, I only care about moral positions that line up with the Bible.

As we head to the polls on November 3rd, I urge you to put policy above propaganda.  Do your research, place your vote, and leave the rest to God.  There are people in dictatorships who wish they had the liberty we possess.  Don’t squander it!


Andrew Gommesen

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